A couple of days ago. I search for information on the Yamaha MSP7 STUDIO Powered Studio Monitor, so i would like to describe here.

Yamaha MSP7 STUDIO Powered Studio Monitor
No matter where the Yamaha MSP7 Powered Monitor Studio monitors are used, and with what sources or other audio gear, you know that you're always receiving the benefits of a perfectly matched power amplifier and speaker system. You'll hear the difference. You'll also benefit from the convenience of not having to deal with external amplifiers and cabling. By integrating and matching the power amplifiers and speakers, the relationship between them can be kept under perfect control for superior performance in the widest possible range of systems. Naturally the power amplifiers themselves are of the finest quality and, unlike component power amplifiers that must be designed for acceptable matching with the widest possible range of ... Read more
Tags: musical instruments > studio recording equipment > studio monitors
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