A yesterday. I'm looking for information on the IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R430 Isolation Stand for Studio Monitors, so i have to tell.

IsoAcoustics ISO-L8R430 Isolation Stand for Studio Monitors
For the studio professional, the ISO-L8R430 Stand, a member of the award-winning, highly-acclaimed patented IsoAcoustics stand family, is designed to support larger speaker monitors in the recording environment. The ISO-L8R430 IsoAcoustics Stands' patented isolation technology allow large speakers to float in free space, resulting in the elimination of energy transfer to the surrounding surfaces. The result for the studio professional is markedly enhanced sound clarity, superior isolation and tightening up of the bass and the opening up of mid-range frequencies. The IS0-430's allow professional and project studio recording pros to bring out the best in their monitor system and hear true, clear, uncolored sound. Measuring 17" ... Read more
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